No doubt your LinkedIn feed has been blowing up with talk of AI this and AI that since Christmas, with developments in Generative AI giving us a new set of tools to leverage in building great customer facing experiences, smarter.
With any new technology, however, there comes plenty of hype. In this webinar, we look to cut through said hype and get to the bottom of why Generative AI is relevant for brands and more broadly society, how brands should be considering using these tools now and where this area of AI might develop in the years ahead.
Understanding generative AI

No doubt your LinkedIn feed has been blowing up with talk of AI this and AI that since Christmas, with developments in Generative AI giving us a new set of tools to leverage in building great customer facing experiences, smarter.
With any new technology, however, there comes plenty of hype. In this webinar, we look to cut through said hype and get to the bottom of why Generative AI is relevant for brands and more broadly society, how brands should be considering using these tools now and where this area of AI might develop in the years ahead.
Understanding generative AI